WBTC(Wrapped Bitcoin)是一种和比特币挂钩的ERC20代币,将于美国太平洋时间1月30日下午5点(北京时间 1月31日上午9点)正式上线。WBTC由BitGo、Kyber Network和Ren(之前名为Republic Protocol)等区块链项目联合推出,该代币在以太坊上发行,实现与比特币1:1挂钩,所有发行的WBTC都会得到比特币的支持,托管人存储的每个比特币都能够与发行的WBTC总数对应,并且可在链上验证,只有经商家批准,托管人才能铸造WBTC,而当持有人将WBTC兑换成比特币时,WBTC将被销毁。
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Wrapped Bitcoin has a current supply of 129,300.76896682. The last known price of Wrapped Bitcoin is 104,567.54715268 USD and is down -1.42 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 2219 active market(s) with 7,474,728.53 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://wbtc.network.