Theta Network币价格今日行情_THETA(theta-token)最新价格
2025-02-06 20:04:23
Theta Network(theta-token) 今日行情
更新于:2025-02-06 20:04:15
  • 24小时最高价 $ 1.4723084
    24小时最低价 $ 1.3547784
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ -0.0504
    1周涨跌幅 $ -0.3008
  • 1周最高价 $ 2.1867516
    1周最低价 $ 1.1634654
  • 1月最高价 $ 2.5361444
    1月最低价 $ 1.1634654
  • 历史最高价 $ 16.484925
    历史最低价 $ 0.03815
Theta Network币种介绍
Theta network is a decentralized video streaming network that is powered by blockchain technology. Theta allows users to watch video content and get rewarded with tokens as they share their internet bandwidth and computing resources on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis. Besides a line-up of institutional investors like Node Capital and DHVC, Theta Network is advised by Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube, and Justin Kan, co-founder of Twitch. The video streaming services on Theta rely on a distributed network of users who voluntarily contribute their spare bandwidth and computing resources to run Theta’s system, in return for Theta Fuel (TFuel) reward. Theta runs on a modified proof-of-stake consensus mechanism as it has a unique multi-Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) which combines a committee of 20-30 Validator nodes with a second later of thousands of Guardian nodes. This acts to speed up approvals and is faster than traditional proof-of-work networks. Theta’s multi-BFT design achieves a healthy balance between consistency, speed, and decentralization.

THETA是THETA network项目的以太坊代币。THETA network项目隶属Theta Labs公司,是一个新一代基于原生区块链技术的去中心化视频流媒体平台,平台为分享带宽的内容观看者发放THETA代币奖励,提供高清流程的视频内容,降低视频分发成本。
Theta Network旨在开发更有效的方法,通过一个有偿的点对点网络,在全球范围发放任何类型的内容和数据。Theta区块链利用原生代币,激励个人用户共享富余算力和带宽资源,作为视频流的缓存或中继节点。该机制能够提高视频流质量,解决“最后一里”传输问题——传统信息传输通道的主要瓶颈,尤其对于超清高码率的4K、8K视频和下一代视频流。有了足够的网络密度,大部分观众可从对等缓存节点中抓取视频流,视频平台得以显著降低内容传输网络(CDN)的成本。Theta Network引入终端用户代币奖励机制,目的是协助视频平台吸引观众、增加收入,提供与别不同的内容和观看体验。





Theta Labs为SLIVER.tv旗下的全资子公司。SLIVER.tv是一个领先的电竞直播平台,每月活跃用户超过100万。Sliver.tv获得硅谷顶级风投1700万美元融资,投资者包括丹华资本、DCM Ventures、Sierra Ventures、Venture Reality Fund、领先的好莱坞/媒体投资者 Creative Artists Agency, BDMI, Greycroft GC Tracker, Advancit Capital以及两家日本手游公司GREE和Colopl。该公司拥有四项专利,包括针对360度VR流媒体生成高效球形视频的专利。另外,Sliver.tv拥有专利技术将观众带入到360度VR虚拟世界中,使观众能够任意切换视角观看电竞游戏视频,以鼓励更多的互动。







中心化的大环境意味着只有较少的收入会返还给内容创作者,造成了创新的匮乏。在现有的生态系统中,观众忍受着低质量的视频流和微薄的奖励。平台和广告商夺走了大部分的 奖励。内容创作者本应该获得更好的待遇。





观众现在可以赚取 Theta币,作为共享带宽和资源的直接奖励,并且可以将它回馈给创作者。







•创新点包括面向资源的微支付池(Resource Oriented Micropayment Pool)及参与证明机制(Proof-of-Engagement)。

• 基于声誉的挖矿(Reputation Dependent Mining):在Theta协议中,缓存节点扮演区块链矿工的角色。区块奖励不是常数,而是基于于开采该区块的缓存节点的声誉得分。为了获得更多的挖矿奖励,矿工们需要通过向下游观众传递视频流来提高其声誉得分。
• 全局声誉共识(Global Reputation Consensus):我们提出一种机制,使Theta网络中的每一个缓存节点的声誉得分都可以获得全局共识。声誉得分可以通过基于哈希谜题最小化问题(hash minimization)的服务证书快速计算。由此,每个区块奖励都可以获得全局共识。
• 参与度证明(Proof-of-Engagement):我们引入了一种全新的用户参与度证明机制,通过在视频流嵌入哈希谜题(embedded hash puzzles)的方式证明观众的确观看了视频流,从而让广告商的每一分钱都花得更清楚更透明,也为观众通过观看视频获得Theta代币奖励提供了基础。





Theta Network(THETA)行情数据/交易对
  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H交易量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • binance-future THETA-PERPETUAL 1.38 7,839,045.00 $11,000,462.50 -0.0512 刚刚
  • binance THETA 1.39 5,146,468.00 $7,253,444.11 -0.05 刚刚
  • okex-future THETA-PERPETUAL 1.39 3,278,725.00 $4,552,587.39 -0.0499 刚刚
  • bybit-futures THETA-PERPETUAL 1.39 2,874,284.00 $4,039,922.99 -0.0501 刚刚
  • bybit THETA 1.39 1,474,918.00 $2,071,552.54 -0.0502 刚刚
  • huobipro THETA 1.39 1,441,046.00 $2,023,837.30 -0.0295 刚刚
  • upbit THETA 2,151.00 756,780.00 $1,139,615.51 0.0047 刚刚
  • okex THETA 1.39 653,128.00 $919,864.88 -0.0502 刚刚
  • coinw THETA 1.39 644,720.00 $895,047.07 -0.0494 刚刚
  • bitrue THETA 1.39 630,708.00 $888,144.50 -0.147 刚刚
  • lbank THETA 1.39 604,998.00 $852,362.09 -0.0493 刚刚
  • bithumb THETA 2,153.00 503,580.00 $763,853.08 -0.0401 刚刚
  • xt THETA 1.39 515,701.00 $726,891.33 -0.0507 刚刚
  • bitmart THETA 1.39 430,285.00 $606,811.27 -0.05 刚刚
  • bitrue THETA 1.39 419,239.00 $588,236.23 -0.1487 刚刚
  • kucoin THETA 1.39 354,129.00 $491,539.18 -0.0501 刚刚
  • gate-io-futures THETA-PERPETUAL 1.38 350,050.00 $485,036.10 -0.0453 刚刚
  • binance THETA 0.00 229,044.00 $325,059.02 -0.0566 刚刚
  • okex-future THETA-PERPETUAL 1.39 200,152.00 $278,012.00 -0.0489 刚刚
  • bitrue THETA 0.56 197,494.00 $277,242.02 -0.6243 刚刚
  • gate-io THETA 1.39 177,181.00 $249,513.74 -0.0501 刚刚
  • cryptomarket THETA 1.39 167,179.00 $234,191.72 -0.0497 刚刚
  • hitbtc THETA 1.39 167,179.00 $234,191.72 -0.0497 刚刚
  • bingx THETA 1.39 103,908.00 $146,158.43 -0.05 刚刚
  • coinex THETA 1.39 98,713.40 $137,372.53 -0.0459 刚刚
  • whitebit THETA 1.39 55,290.80 $77,383.86 -0.1427 刚刚
  • kraken-futures THETA-PERPETUAL 1.39 38,753.00 $55,058.30 -0.0526 刚刚
  • pionex THETA 1.39 37,900.60 $53,408.60 -0.0499 刚刚
  • binance THETA 1.39 35,494.10 $50,958.07 -0.0487 刚刚
  • xt THETA 0.00 25,504.50 $44,394.08 0.0723 刚刚
  • binance THETA 0.00 17,552.70 $34,830.23 -0.0044 刚刚
  • binance THETA 49.84 22,582.00 $32,104.48 -0.0452 刚刚
  • binance-us THETA 1.41 22,492.40 $31,343.01 -0.0342 刚刚
  • crypto-com THETA 1.39 21,146.70 $29,627.80 -0.148 刚刚
  • crypto-com THETA 1.39 17,557.70 $24,851.05 -0.1509 刚刚
  • crypto-com-futures THETA-PERPETUAL 1.38 7,264.00 $10,258.60 -0.1575 刚刚
  • indodax THETA 22,710.00 6,887.75 $9,618.36 -0.1265 刚刚
  • coinex THETA 0.00 6,440.25 $9,103.59 -0.0422 刚刚
  • paribu THETA 49.50 2,390.71 $3,296.79 -0.0634 刚刚
  • okex THETA 1.38 2,176.22 $3,001.32 -0.0325 刚刚
  • coinex THETA 1.38 1,769.65 $2,450.25 -0.0519 刚刚
  • cryptomarket THETA 0.00 1,438.90 $2,036.84 -0.0564 刚刚
  • hitbtc THETA 0.00 1,438.90 $2,036.84 -0.0564 刚刚
  • whitebit THETA 0.00 751.20 $1,067.64 -0.1891 刚刚
  • cex-io THETA 1.36 700.00 $948.50 -0.5557 刚刚
  • korbit THETA 2,200.00 233.59 $354.48 -0.0222 刚刚
  • zebpay THETA 128.47 8.70 $12.76 -0.0986 刚刚
  • bione-cc THETA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 -0.034 刚刚
  • gate-io THETA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.2727 刚刚
  • hitbtc THETA 1.51 0.00 $0.00 0.0532 刚刚