STORM is an ERC20-compliant token which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. CEO, and co-founder, Simon Yu, evolved this digital currency from an app called BitMaker, he and co-founder, Calvin Hsieh, worked on in 2014. BitMaker allowed users to send money without transaction fees which was the main reason this app experienced high growth volumes. A new feature called BitTask was introduced which allowed users to trade their time and effort for trying out new products in exchange for Bitcoin or Ethereum. This feature is now the STORM Play App and has experienced massive growth since its launch in Feb 2017.
The vision the founders have for STORM is beyond just an ordinary Cryptocurrency. They aim to create a marketplace for decentralized marketplace for tasks which will be called the “Storm Market”. “The Storm Market will operate similar to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store in that it will serve as a platform where Storm Makers and Storm Players can create and accept tasks using smart contracts powered and paid for with STORM tokens.” The team is confident of the success of the app as it strongly relies on the give and takes model. By completing relatively easy and enjoyable tasks, users can potentially earn quite a bit of STORM, Ethereum or even Bitcoin.
Storm Market is targeting the freelancing industry around micro-tasks. Currently, there are identified competitors in the market like Upwork, Mechanical Turk, etc. which are circulating huge amount of money through their platform with existing inefficiencies that ultimately creates hurdles for the freelancers. They deduct huge amount from their users earning by charging 40% of transaction cost. The Storm market is striving to resolve the problems by providing following benefits, such as as compared to traditional micro-task marketplaces, they will charge reduce transaction fees. Besides, they Eliminate the interruption of any middlemen between buyers and sellers.
Storm Market is a gamified micro-task marketplace that enables users to earn by completing different tasks. The company is expanding its platform by creating decentralized storm market by incorporating blockchain technology. In storm market, people can use their skills and talents to accomplish various tasks and get good rewards for it in the form of tokens. In short, a company is aiming to operate decentralized platform where anyone can offer or engage in tasks by utilizing blockchain based smart contracts supported by tokens (ERC-20).
Check out CoinBureau for the complete review of Storm Token.
Storm Play由Storm, Inc创建,是一款移动端的APP,利用了区块链技术将任务和人进行匹配,让他们能在5分钟以内,从世界上任何地方的任一台移动设备上完成任务,同时也能接收到数字货币奖励。为了让Netflix和Hulu这样的产品,或者Final Fantasy这样的游戏能够获得更多的用户,StormX已经建立了游戏化微任务的平台,用数字货币来奖励参与到这些简短任务的用户。这个平台的设计更像是一个游戏,而不是真正的工作。如果你更多的参与到不同产品和服务的内容当中,你将会获得更多的数字货币报酬。STMX代币是Storm Market平台的官方加密货币。Storm上的商家可以使用代币在平台上发布任务。用户通过观看视频,可以在Storm Market去中心化平台上完成任务,从而获得STMX代币。