Steem is a cryptocurrency that rewards users for community building by posting and upvoting valuable content for others. Steem was inspired from the success of Reddit where the community helped enrich the shareholders. Steem aims to help distribute the rewards to the community members who help create the community in the first place. Steem aims to provide various services to its members such as a source of curated news, Q&A, job boards etc. The founders of Steem came from BitShares with Dan Larimer involved as well.
Steem’s main platform, called Steemit, is a social media network built on top of the Steem blockchain. Steemit is similar to popular content-driven social networks like Reddit and Medium, but it rewards users with cryptocurrency for their participation. Fundamentally, the more value a particular piece of content provides to a greater number of people, the more the individuals responsible for creating and curating that content can earn.
Users cast votes, creating a hierarchy of content. The more upvotes a post gets, the more it will earn. The platform also allows for downvotes, giving participants more flexibility when it comes to rating content. Steemit is meritocratic, meaning users that hold more currency can cast votes with greater influence.
The Steemit community even has another service to offer to its customers., which is considered to be very similar to YouTube, is Blockchain based and the users can realize the difference between the traditional video publishing websites and, as the amount of money earned is also displayed beside the post apart from likes shares and comments. The Steemit community is accused of posting plagiarize contents on their publishing website. The irony seems to be reaching highest levels when the original content doesn’t receive much appreciation and income than the copied versions of it."
Steem是一个开源的区块链协议,能够存储社会信息并基于Proof-of-Brain算法分发代币。作为世界上交易速度快,交易量又大的区块链,Steem能够支持多个面向用户的应用的区块链协议,包括 ,,,, dsound.audio等。
Steem区块链通过提供可扩展区块链协议为创业者创造机会,他们的应用可以利用该协议存储用户的内容,社交信息,账户信息,JSON元数据等,同时授权这些用户赚取加密货币代币称为STEEM)以换取分享该信息。 STEEM代币具有同类最佳的属性,如:三秒钟传输,并且无需付费,这要归功于Steem的三秒钟模块和Delegated-of-Stake算法。
随着即将发布的Smart Media Token 协议(SMT),社区将增加Steem区块链的功能,允许任何企业家,开发人员或社区构建者在Steem区块链顶部启动他们自己的可定制STEEM样代币并为ICO,自动化市场庄家,自主代币分配,创始人代币等提供特定的智能合约。 SMT将充分利用Steem区块链的速度和可扩展性,使企业家能够利用从Steem和steemit.com获得的所有经验教训,实现其平台的代币化并引导其代币的价值。
斯蒂姆币(STEEM)可用于启动“Steem Power”、在内部市场交换SBD、撤单、交易BTC或其他数字代币以及通过第三方商店购买物品。
使用见证人而不是矿工的“授权权益证明”模型可以提高区块生产的效率。使用BTC,将创建的新硬币的100%分配给块生产者(矿工)。借助Steem区块链,只有10%的新硬币支付给区块生产者(证人)。其他STEEM新硬币的90%被授予内容制作人,策展人和Steem Power持有人。