SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The business value of AI is becoming clearer each day; however, there’s a significant gap between the people developing AI tools (researchers and academics) and the businesses that want to use them. Most organizations need a more customized solution than what a single AI project can offer, and research projects oftentimes have trouble accessing a large enough data set to build effective machine learning. SingularityNET closes these gaps.
The long-term vision of the SingulairtyNET team is to build a network of complex AI Agent interactions primarily using resources from the OpenCog Foundation. To look at this further, let’s check out their in-house built humanoid robot, Sophia. Sophia uses a combination of AI Agents that range from natural language processing to physical motor controls to operate. You tell Sophia to summarize a video that’s embedded in a webpage. To do this, Sophia sends a request to Agent A. Through its AI, Agent A knows that Agent B specializes in analyzing and transcribing video while Agent C specializes in summarizing text. Agent A pays Agent B and Agent C to perform these tasks while Sophia pays Agent A to coordinate. All the while, each Agent has updated their own AI with the network information gained from these tasks and combines it with their previous experiences and knowledge. Therefore, the collective AI of the system grows at a faster rate than any individual Agent.
SingularityNET wants to build a decentralized protocol for creators and users of AI to interact with each other, to not only help individual projects benefit by leveraging the strengths of other AI systems that might handle certain tasks better, but ultimately to develop SingularityNET into a functioning AI system itself, with nodes on the network making their own decisions about how to connect services and proactively provide solutions to academic and business problems. Tokenizing the network creates an AI marketplace where AI developers and sellers can not only link with others who might assist in building more robust AI solutions, but also allow AI services and products to be bought and sold, creating revenue and establishing price points where none have existed before.
The SingularityNET team boasts 50+ AI developers and 10+ PhDs. Dr. Ben Goertzel leads the group as CEO and Chief Scientist. He’s also the Chairman of the OpenCog Foundation and the Artificial General Intelligence Society, as well as the Chief Scientist at Hanson Robotics, the partner company helping bring SingularityNET to life. Dr. David Hanson, founder of Hanson Robotics, serves as the Robotics Lead. Most famously, Hanson Robotics built Sophia, the most expressive humanoid robot to date. Sophia is also a proud member of the SingularityNET team. The team recently released the alpha version of the platform and is planning on launching a public beta sometime in the middle of 2018.
SingularityNET(AGI)硬分叉和代币置换,并按照1 AGI = 1AGIX的比例分发AGIX。
SingularityNET (奇点网络) 是一个针对人工智能的去中心化平台,该平台为没有条件自主研发人工智能的机构或者个人提供基于区块链AI的一系列服务,涵盖了营销,宣发,游戏,VR,个人助理,无人驾驶等众多需要人工智能参与的行业领域,简单来说,SingularityNET 就是一个关于AI人工智能的应用商店。
SingularityNET是第一个也是唯一一个允许AI进行有规模的合作和协调的平台。解决了限制当今人工智能增长的一个主要因素 ——缺乏互操作性,这严重限制了人们充分利用独立AI的优势和能力。
通过SingularityNET,公司,组织和个人可以授权他们的AI代理商参与到市场中,购买或销售产品和服务。让人工智能不再存在于孤岛中,不再需要依赖特定的公司,基础设施或行业才能运作。 AI可以使用SingularityNET市场购买往常需要从头开始内部开发的稀有且有价值的数据集或分析功能。 AI还可利用SingularityNET市场从自己的资产中获利,从专有信息,算法和功能中创造巨大价值。
SingularityNET旨在成为网络化人工智能(Networks AI)以及实现机器自主学习工具的关键协议,形成协调的人工通用智能(Artificial General Intelligence),实现从图像识别到自然语言处理的各种AI算法,实时灵活的进行交互,不断的学习与修复,最终成为完美服务于人类各行业的AI区块链。
SingularityNET 的代币(AGIX)用以在其开放去中心化平台上实现四个关键机制:交易、结算、激励和治理,即开发人员或应用用户在平台上开发,测试,发布自己的AI应用及场景模拟等操作中用AGIX代币支付或奖励,以及个人用户或者机构用户调取发布于SingularityNET 的行业领域类AI代码或者Dapps需要用AGIX代币进行支付。