Mask Network is the core product of Dimension, which is positioned to become the bridge that connects internet users from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The foundational technology of Mask Network is a peer-to-peer encrypted messaging application, with new functions continuously being created around this foundation. We at Mask Network are strong believers in the ownership economy. People should own what they produce, people should own their data, their attention and the virtual space they choose to contribute to.
Mask Network integrates decentralized social messaging, borderless payment network, and decentralized file storage and sharing to provide a safe and convenient portal for users to jump right into the continent of decentralized finance and then the new world of Web 3.0.
Mask Network是一个帮助用户从Web2.0无缝过渡到Web3.0的门户。它允许用户在传统社交巨头的平台上,无缝发送加密信息、加密货币,甚至是去中心化应用(比如DeFi 、NFT和DAO);由此,用户们可以创造一个去中心化的应用程序生态。
Mask Network目标是成为Web 2.0和Web 3.0的桥梁总和(Web 3.0子领域包括DID、NFT、DAO、DeFi、跨链等),不过目前还处于较为早期的阶段。和一些项目的不同之处在于,Mask Network并不会直接去尝试“颠覆”现有的中心化巨头,而是以提供工具的形式,给予现有巨头平台(如Twitter、Facebook)的海量用户多一个选择。它希望通过这样的方式,能更顺畅地将用户从Web 2.0迁移到Web 3.0时代。
严格地讲,Mask Network现阶段并非传统意义上的区块链项目,它无币,亦无链。但它正以独特的方式与区块链发生联结,未来将搭建在以太坊生态上。
Web 3.0的愿景与区块链有非常大的交集:拥抱去中心化、权力下放、抵抗审查、数据主权等。它包含了以去中心化的方式利用现有的网络和全新的去中心化网络架构(例如HTTP和DNS的去中心化替代品)。
Mask Network选择了Web 3.0中的几点作为主要发力的方向(包含但不仅限于):