What Is Reserve Rights (RSR)?
Reserve Rights (RSR) is an ERC-20 token that serves two main purposes for the Reserve protocol: overcollateralization of Reserve stablecoins (RTokens) through staking and governing them through proposing & voting on changes to their configuration.
The Reserve Rights (RSR) token was launched in May 2019 following a successful initial exchange offering IEO on the Huobi Prime platform.
What is Reserve Rights (RSR) used for?
Besides being the governance token for Reserve stablecoins (RTokens), by which changes to RTokens can be proposed & voted for with RSR, Reserve Rights exists as a backstop to make Reserve stablecoin (RToken) holders whole in the unlikely event of a collateral token default. In order for RSR holders to provide this overcollateralization, they can decide to stake on any one RToken, or divide their RSR tokens by staking on multiple RTokens. RSR holders can also decide not to stake their RSR at all.
In return for providing this first-loss capital, RSR stakers can expect to receive a portion of the revenue the RToken they stake on makes. As a general rule, RSR stakers can expect higher returns (APYs) the bigger the market cap of the RToken they stake on becomes.
In contrast with the “staking” you see in a lot of other projects these days, RSR staking is built to last. In Reserve’s model, late participants do not pay for early participants, nor is a trust in staking of other parties required.
For more detailed information on RSR staking, please refer to the RSR staking section in the protocol documentation: https://reserve.org/protocol/reserve_rights_rsr/#reserve-rights-staking.
Who are the founders of Reserve?
Reserve was co-founded by Nevin Freeman and Matt Elder. Freeman is a seasoned entrepreneur. He describes his life goal as "solving the coordination problems that are stopping humanity from achieving its potential."
Matt Elder, on the other hand, is an experienced engineer who previously worked for Google and Quixey, and worked to oversee the architecture of the Reserve protocol's technical implementation.
Since its launch in 2019, the amount of contributors to the Reserve ecosystem has grown considerably, including community, engineers, and legal and compliance staff — all unified under the shared ambition to position Reserve as an open, massively scalable stablecoin platform that promotes economic prosperity.
What Makes Reserve Rights Unique?
Unlike other stablecoins that are typically backed by U.S. dollars (USD) held in reserve in a bank account controlled by the stablecoin issuer or a trusted custodian, Reserve stablecoins are backed by a basket of cryptocurrencies managed by smart contracts.
These baskets can consist of any ERC-20 assets. During the initial stages, RTokens mostly include other cryptocurrencies, such as liquid staking tokens (e.g. stETH) or yield-bearing DeFi position (e.g. cUSDC). Eventually, the Reserve community will transition to more diverse baskets, which might include fiat currencies, securities, commodities and complex asset types, like synthetics and derivatives. Read more about Reserve’s long-term goals here: https://reserve.org/protocol/our_long_term_goal/
How Many Reserve Rights (RSR) Coins Are There in Circulation?
Reserve Rights has a fixed supply of 100 billion tokens. Out of this, about 52% are currently in circulation as of September 2024.
The maximum token supply has already been pre-mined, but a large proportion is locked for various reasons, including 49.4% of the supply locked in a smart contract known as the "Slow wallet.” Funds from this wallet are released according to a deterministic schedule, which you can read more about here: https://blog.reserve.org/reducing-rsr-emissions-6da7f35917ba
The Reserve Rights token initially launched with a circulating supply of 6.85 billion tokens, of which 3% were distributed to Huobi Prime IEO participants, 2.85% released as project tokens and 1% to private investors. All team, advisor, partner, and seed investor tokens have been unlocked via one of two options - one that has started in January 2022, and the other that started upon the launch of the full Reserve protocol on Ethereum mainnet. Read all about the Reserve Rights unlocking schedule here: https://reserve.org/protocol/reserve_rights_rsr/#reserve-rights-release-schedule.
How Is the Reserve Rights Network Secured?
Reserve Rights is currently an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. As a result, it is secured against attacks by a robust proof-of-work (POW) consensus mechanism backed by a network of thousands of Ethereum miners.
Where Can You Buy Reserve Rights (RSR)?
Reserve Rights (RSR) is a popular token that currently maintains excellent liquidity.
It is available to purchase and trade on several of the most well-established cryptocurrency exchange platforms, including Binance, Huobi Global and OKX, and can be traded against various popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as the U.S. dollar (USD) on multiple platforms.
Reserve旨在建立一个稳定的,分布式的稳定币和数字支付系统,其稳定币具有结合需求自我调节供给,以及拥有100%或更多链上抵押品支持的特性。Reserve的最终目标是创造一个通用的价值储存媒介-特别是在金融基础设施不可靠和/或通货膨胀较为严重的地区。Reserve项目得到了PayPal联合创始人Peter Thiel,YCombinator总裁Sam Altman以及硅谷和数字资产领域众多有影响力的投资者支持。
Reserve Rights Token代币(RSR),主要用于维持Reserve代币价格稳定性。Reserve代币,为Reserve系统发行的稳定币,可以按照我们使用法定货币和其他代币的方式持有和使用。
Reserve稳定币是基于Reserve Protocol的代币,也是ERC20代币,它由一个称为保险库的资产储备池支撑可赎回的价值。要理解Reserve稳定币首先要理解Reserve Protocol网络有三种代币:Reserve稳定币、Reserve权益代币(RSR)以及质押代币。
其中,Reserve代币是稳定币,类似于现实生活的中美元,或锚定美元的USDT。剩下的二种代币,Reserve权益代币(RSR)和质押代币,其主要作用都是为了实现Reserve的稳定。Reserve权益代币(RSR)是Reserve Protocol价值捕捉的代币,也是Reserve稳定币的保险库资产价值下跌时的支撑代币,这在后续会描述。
质押代币主要是Reserve Protocol网络的储备池资产,它不是Reserve Protocol的原生代币,而是由多种代币化资产组成。质押代币是用
Reserve Protocol设计中,它要求Reserve 稳定币的价值至少有100%的质押代币价值所支撑。质押代币类型不限于加密货币,也会包括代币化的商品或股权等。质押代币的组合一开始相对简单,后续会实现多样化。
Reserve是一种全球化的稳定货币 (稳定币), 也是适合高通胀国家个人和企业的一种数字支付系统。
Reserve使跨境汇款更加高效。个人可以直接跨境把钱寄回家, 企业也有了可以支付给供应商的稳定货币。
Reserve使企业能采用稳定的电子货币取代高通胀的货币, 更轻松地交付给国际供应商。
1. 中心化阶段 - Reserve代币由美元担保,由信托公司持有。
2. 去中心化阶段 - Reserve代币以去中心化的方式存在,由不断变化的一揽子资产担保,但相对于美元而言价值仍然稳定。
3. 独立阶段 - Reserve代币不再与美元挂钩,以稳定其实际购买力,而不考虑美元价值的波动。
1. Reserve代币 - 一种稳定的数字货币,可以按我们使用美元和其他稳定的法定货币的方式持有和支出。
2. Reserve 权益代币 - 用于促进Reserve代币稳定性的数字货币。
3. 抵押代币 - Reserve智能合约持有的其他资产,以稳定Reserve代币的价值,类似于过去美国政府用黄金稳定美元。该协议旨在持有至少价值为所有Reserve代币价值100%的抵押代币。许多抵押代币将是将现实中的债券、财产和商品等通证化。随着更多类别的资产被通证化,投资组合将开始相对简单和多样化。
当需求上升时,相同的情况会反向运行。如果Reserve通证在公开市场上的价格是1.02美元,投机者将乐于购买这种新兴的价值1.00美元Reserve通证的抵押品或是Reserve Rights 通证(RSR)—(只有存在超额矿池时后者才可能发生),并立即在公开市场上出售,直到无利可图,也就是当市场价格与1美元的购买价格相等时。
有时Reserve协议可能将抵押比率定为大于1:1。在这种情况下,想要增加Reserve代币的供应需要额外的资本以维持目标抵押比率。为此Reserve协议会制造出售Reserve 权益代币,以换取额外的抵押通证。最终这些超额抵押不会浪费 —— 当目标抵押比率达到1:1时,这些超额抵押将直接返还给Reserve Rights代币的持有者。