Coti打造的Trustchain协议旨在解决现有加密货币和传统支付方式面临的挑战,COTI网络简化了支付处理流程,利用有向无环图(DAG)技术,采用Cluster集群方式,实现了高吞吐量和极低交易费用,满足复杂多样的商业场景。COTI的团队包括顶级管理和研发人才、金融行业资深人士和区块链专家。顾问团队包括Greg Kidd (Twitter、Coinbase、Ripple早期投资人)、Steven Heilbron(Investec银行前首席执行官)、Matthew Mcbrady博士(Blackrock前首席信息官)等。
COTI is the first enterprise-grade digital fintech platform, which eliminates all intermediaries and empowers any organization to build their own private payment solution and digitize any currency using our proprietary Trustchain protocol.
COTI provides functionality as robust as Paypal and Alipay, while allowing enterprises to create their own unique rules and finally own their payment system to save time, data and money.
COTI’s platform enables companies to effortlessly create advanced fintech products — ranging from payment networks and stable coins to loyalty programs, remittance services and more.