Coin98 is an all-in-one DeFi Platform that aims to fulfill untapped demand in the industry and become a Gateway bridging TradFi users to any DeFi services on multiple blockchains. It accomplishes this mission through a full suite of products, including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange, and Space Gate (cross-chain bridge).
Coin98 Wallet: Allows users to store, send, receive, manage crypto assets and connect to numerous dApps on multiple blockchains. It supports over 20 blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Avalanche, Terra, etc on both mobile (iOS & android) and Chrome extension versions.
Coin98 Exchange: A multichain liquidity aggregator that allows users to swap, stake, lend, borrow, earn crypto with the best rates and low slippage.
Space Gate: A cross-chain bridge that enables swapping and transferring values across multiple networks. It supports token swaps between ERC20 tokens, BEP20 tokens, SPL tokens, and more.
The C98 token is the native utility token of the Coin98 platform and will be used to pay services fees, as staking incentives, for governance, and unique membership rights.
Coin98是一个跨链流动性协议,拥有全套产品,包括Coin98钱包、Coin98交易所和Coin98 Bridge。Coin98钱包是一个非托管的多链加密钱包和网关,作为未来的多链基础设施而构建。
独特的会员权利:用户将在平台上获得不同等级的权益,具体取决于他们持有的X98。一些好处包括参与Coin98 Launchpad和来自战略合作伙伴的追溯激励。
Coin98钱包:多链钱包允许用户存储、转移和管理加密资产,并连接到多个区块链上的众多dApp。它支持22个区块链,包括Ethereum、Binance Smart Chain、Solana、Polygon、Avalanche和Terra在移动(iOS和android)和Chrome扩展版本上。
Coin98 Exchange:一个多链流动性聚合器,可帮助用户交换、抵押、借出、借入、赚取加密货币。它提供智能订单路由,以实现最佳价格和低滑点。
Space Gate:跨链桥,可以跨多个网络交换和传输价值。支持以下网络之间的代币交换:
ERC-20<->AVAX C-Chain <-> AVAX X-Chain