即使市场上只有很少或没有其他买家或卖家,用户可以通过智能合约直接在网络中购买或出售 Token。由于价格会根据兑换规模进行调整,因此总会形成一定的兑换价格。Bancor 协议有效地使得流动性与交易量不再关联。
用户产生的唯一费用是与底层区块链进行交互所需的费用。虽然某些智能 代币的兑换可能被创建者设置了可选的使用费,但这些费用一般非常低,因为Bancor协议的开源特性,其他用户轻松创建相互竞争的智能代币来提供相似的兑换服务,有效降低费用。
在处理买入和卖出订单时,Bancor 公式使用相同的价格计算方法,不存在买卖价差,这与购买价格始终低于卖出价格的传统交易平台形成对比。
Bancor、KyberNetwork 与 0x 流动性解决方案对比:
1)Bancor 协议对于流动性问题的解决思路,是通过以区块链为基础的智能合约和储备货币,使得在不需要交易对手的情况下可以按照相应的汇率将智能 Token 兑换成储备金;
2)KyberNetwork 通过储备库及储备贡献者为其提供流动性,Kyber 智能合约提供最佳的储备池价格,通过链上的智能合约可以快速完成结算;
3)0x 采用订单撮合机制无法保证流动性,由 relayer 托管链上订单簿,链上完成结算,匹配速度取决于交易量大小。
1.用户自发产生货币(User Generated Currency) 这也是Bancor团队开发的第一款应用产品,用户不需要任何技术背景就可以通过类似Facebook的用户界面,并通过基于WhatsApp、Telegram(未来会支持微信)的智能化聊天机器人(Chatbot)生成属于自己的数字货币网络。用户也可以通过该产品,一键发起代币众筹(Token Crowdsales)。
2.货币互换者(TokenChangers) 当用户将“恒定储备率”设定为100%(意味着“储备金余额”等于“代币流通量”),并在储备金中放入两种不同数字货币X和Y时,该用户就具备了将这两个货币进行兑换的能力,被称为“货币互换者”。例如,该用户想把货币X兑换成货币Y,他只需要将货币X存入储备金中,然后再销毁“智能代币”,从储备金中提出货币Y。值得一提的是,改变X和Y的“储备金余额”和“代币流通量”讲影响其价格,而当X和Y在Bancor网络中的价格和其在外部交易所市场的价格出现差价时就产生了无风险套利(Arbitrage)机会。货币互换者通过不断地发现套利机会,在经济激励下有效地使得Bancor网络中各个货币价格和市场价格保持一致。
3.去中心化一篮子货币(DecentralizedToken Baskets) 同理“货币互换者”,当用户将将“恒定储备率”设定为100%,并在储备金中放入多种数字货币时,他就可以实现交易所交易基金(Exchange Traded Funds,简称ETF)或者指数基金(Index Fund)的类似功能。值得一提的是,Bancor的概念最早由时任英国财政部顾问的经济学家凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)在二战后提出,他主张透支原则,设立一个世界性的中央银行,叫做国际清算联盟,并发行一个名为Bancor的一个超主权货币(Supranational Currency)。从某种意义上说,Bancor团队是在向凯恩斯致敬,并通过Bancor协议,建立第一个真正意义上的“网络货币”(NetworkCurrency)。
作为代币交换的媒介:网络中的所有代币都可以通过Bancor公式计算出的汇率与 BNT 进行转换,从而相互转换。
About Bancor?
Bancor is an ecosystem of decentralized, open-source protocols that promote on-chain trading and liquidity.
Its main protocol, Carbon, is a decentralized trading protocol allowing users to perform automated trading strategies using custom on-chain limit orders and range orders, with the option of combining orders together to create automated buy low, sell high strategies.
Fast Lane, a separate open-source arbitrage protocol, allows any user to perform arbitrage between Bancor ecosystem protocols and external on-chain exchanges and redirect arbitrage profits back to the Bancor ecosystem.
All Bancor ecosystem protocols are governed by the BancorDAO via staked BNT.
What makes Bancor Unique?
Bancor’s flagship protocol, Carbon, allows users to perform automated trading strategies on-chain with far greater control and efficiency compared to existing decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
Existing on-chain liquidity solutions suffer from key drawbacks, namely that: 1) executed orders can be reversed when prices move, and 2) a single liquidity position must execute both buys and sells using the same pricing curve. As a result, on-chain liquidity is costly and complex to automate and update, while exposing traders to MEV sandwich attacks.
Carbon introduces a new form of on-chain liquidity called Asymmetric Liquidity, which allows users to create individual liquidity positions with two distinct pricing curves: one for buying and one for selling. This gives users the ability to set buy and sell orders that execute in specific price ranges, with the option of combining orders together to create automated buy low, sell high strategies. By design, Carbon orders are irreversible on execution, easily adjustable directly on-chain, and completely resistant to MEV sandwich attacks. These capabilities give users an unprecedented level of control and automation to perform novel trading strategies on-chain.
For example, a user who believes ETH will trade in the near future between 00-2000 could set a Carbon strategy that automatically buys ETH between 00-1600 and sells the ETH from 00-2000. As market prices move into selected ranges, orders are automatically executed by traders who interact with Carbon directly, or via popular DEX aggregators. All with no reliance on external oracles or keepers. Strategy updates can be made in a highly gas efficient manner, without needing to withdraw and re-add liquidity, via parameters in a strategy’s smart contract.
Carbon also improves on the trading model in centralized exchanges by allowing users to create multi-order strategies that utilize a single source of rotating liquidity to fill trades, eliminating the need to create multiple limit orders and pre-fund each order as it is created.
By fusing the feature-rich trading functionality of centralized exchanges with the access and transparency of automated market-makers, Carbon unlocks the future of decentralized on-chain trading.
History of Bancor
Bancor invented the first blockchain-based automated market maker (AMM) in 2017. The protocol’s first version was launched in June 2017, with subsequent protocol versions iterating on the original AMM model.
In 2020, the BancorDAO was launched to oversee and govern development of Bancor ecosystem protocols. The BancorDAO has since voted on over 450 governance proposals, and has had at the time writing over 9,700 governance token holders, and over 1,100 voters.
What’s Next for Bancor
Per the BancorDAO, the Bancor community is focused on development of its flagship protocols, Carbon and Fast Lane. The beta version of Fast Lane is currently live on Ethereum mainnet, and will continue evolving, while the beta version of Carbon is expected to go live on Ethereum mainnet in the second quarter of 2023, pending voting by the BancorDAO. From there, deployment of both Carbon and Fast Lane on other Layer-1 and Layer-2 blockchains will be explored.
The Bancor community will continue executing on its mission to build innovative solutions that expand the design space for on-chain trading and liquidity and open the doors to a wide range of future DeFi applications and products.
What Can Bancor (BNT) Be Used For
The Bancor Network Token (BNT) can currently be staked for vBNT to vote in BancorDAO governance, with additional BNT utility controlled by the BancorDAO.
Relevant Sources:
Bancor Github
Carbon Website
Introducing Carbon Blog Post
Fast Lane
Carbon Whitepaper
Carbon Litepaper