It is a blockchain-based ecosystem that connects all services, like the car dealer shops, mechanic shops and car rental companies, that touch your car to collect its lifetime data.
Participants from automobile-related companies, services or trade industry will be connected and they will insert core data related to driving, traffic accidents, repairs and other car-related transactions into the blockchain.
Participants who provide data related to automobile will receive MVL Point (MVP), a reward system used to encourage contribution to the ecosystem.
MVL生态圈(MVL ECO)为了车辆生命周期的一部分、记录某一部分的个人、维修人员、交易商、驾驶者等众多参与者,营造各种奖励体系来鼓励他们的参与。作为让持续积极地参与者获得充分补偿,并鼓励他们做出准确记录的奖励,我们按照贡献程度提供MVL积分(MVP)。参与者依据各自的参与方式(驾驶、维修、出租)获得一定的MVL积分(MVP),而MVL积分(MVP)可成为各企业经营者的推广手段,亦可转换成MVL代币(MVL)。