Helium由Shawn Fning、Amir Haleem和Sean Carey于2013年创立,其使命是让构建联网设备变得更容易。有了Helium热点,任何人都可以通过在他们所在的城市建立无线网络并创造更具连通性的未来来赚取加密货币。
Helium是一个为低能耗物联网设备能与互联网连接互通所建立的点对点无线网络。利用Hotspots以及其他物联网设备的数据传输器,网络维护者可以通过Proof of Coverage Challenges来证明他们对网络的贡献并获得HNT代币奖励。Proof of Coverage是一类工作量证明(POW)算法,利用电磁波验证Hotspots是否有提供服务。
HNT代币可生成Data Credits, 用于支付信息及代币传输手续费。Helium网络利用一个基于HoneyBadgerBFT的机制来达成网络共识。
Helium is a decentralized machine network powered by a physical blockchain. The network is created by gateways who also double as miners on our network. These gateway operators can earn tokens based on coverage they provide as well as transaction fees gained from machines connecting to their gateway
Helium is a new cryptocurrency. Hotspots earn for providing and validating wireless coverage and when devices on the network connect to the internet through Hospots
Helium is mined and distributed to Hotspot Owners, Helium Inc, and investors.
There is no pre-mine of Helium, and every month approximately 5,000,000 new Helium are minted.
At the end of each mining period, roughly every 30 to 60 mins, Helium is distributed according to the allocation shown: