Yield Guild Games (YGG) is the world’s first and biggest web3 gaming guild where players can find their community, discover games and level up together. Its mission is to become the leading community-based user acquisition platform in web3 gaming.
As a network of gaming guilds focused on web3 games, YGG is committed to providing opportunities for its members to achieve success in web3 gaming through questing initiatives such as Superquests and the Guild Advancement Program (GAP). These enable members to build their on-chain identity through its achievement-based reputation system.
From its roots in the Philippines to its global network of regional guilds and partnerships with over 80 blockchain games and infrastructure projects, YGG caters to an ever-expanding community of gamers and blockchain enthusiasts.
Yield Guild Games(YGG)是一个去中心化的自治组织 (DAO),用于投资基于虚拟世界和区块链游戏的NFT,YGG结合了NFT和DeFi的特点,为游戏经济加入了流动性挖矿模式,同时通过发展游戏玩家、艺术家、创造者,所谓的元宇宙增加价值。
● 质押YGG获得与全部活动有关的代币奖励;
● 质押YGG获得与特别活动有关的代币奖励;
● 质押YGG获得独家内容的代币奖励;
● 质押YGG用于投票和参与DAO治理;
● 质押YGG订购独家商品;
● 使用YGG代币来支付其网络中的服务。