Vulcan Forged是一个成熟的NFT游戏工作室,创建了一个NFT市场和dApp孵化器,拥有10+游戏、2000+社区和前5名的NFT市场容量。
PYR代币是Vulcan平台上加密数字货币,作为平台内部操作和游戏领域使用代币。PYR Token是与Matic匹配的ERC20代币,在整个Vulcan Forged生态系统中发挥结算工具,抵押担保(特权)以及游戏结算代币的作用。
Vulcan Forged (PYR) (PYR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2021and operates on the Ethereum platform. Vulcan Forged (PYR) has a current supply of 50,000,000 with 38,915,119.00941722 in circulation. The last known price of Vulcan Forged (PYR) is 2.91040226 USD and is up 0.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 174 active market(s) with ,532,937.39 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at