2025-03-12 12:40:48
Verge(verge) 今日行情
更新于:2025-03-12 12:40:31
  • 24小时最高价 $ 0.00482
    24小时最低价 $ 0.00434
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ 0.0186
    1周涨跌幅 $ -0.1319
  • 1周最高价 $ 0.00563
    1周最低价 $ 0.0041
  • 1月最高价 $ 0.0072
    1月最低价 $ 0.0041
  • 历史最高价 $ 0.30059
    历史最低价 $ 0


Verge是一种注重个人隐私的公共账本,这个账本通过区块链技术进行验证。其核心是建立受全球性社区支持的去中心化交易。并通过在分布式账本中提供用户的隐私来保持比特币网络在设想状态中的活力。Verge作为开源项目,其代码可以被查看。用户可以通过交易所购买、集成社交平台打赏,或直接使用Verge钱包应用进行购买等方式来获得Verge代币。Verge支持scrypt,X17,lyra2rev2,MYR groestl,blake2s多算法挖矿,因此,拥有不同类型的挖矿机的人都可以挖到该币种。





完全匿名 隐私至上
Verge采用多重匿名中心网络,如TOR和i2p. 用户IP地址可以混淆,交易完全无法追踪.

Verge 不是一家通过预开采数字货币或代币首次发售(ICO)进行筹资的私人企业. 所有开发和营销得到数以千计的社区成员支持.

相比其它数字货币,交易速度超快. 简单支付验证(SPV)技术使得平均交易确认时间缩短到5秒.

开发团队非常活跃,总是与社会保持密切联系. 您可以很轻松地联系到主要开发人员,以获得支持或关于Verge的新想法.

Verge提供一系列适用于多操作系统的安全钱包. 革命性Tor安卓移动钱包提供移动匿名,这在以隐私为导向的众多数字货币中绝无仅有.

Verge是一种基于开源平台的去中心化货币. 该货币不受中央控制。







QT是使用C ++编程语言的开发人员的跨平台应用程序和UI框架。它允许开发人员用C ++编写代码,然后将他们的软件发布到各种软件和硬件平台。根据维基百科,这个工具包被命名为QT,因为“字母Q在Haavard的Emacs字体中看起来很吸引人,而't'则受到X工具包Xt的启发。


QT钱包要求用户将整个Verge区块链下载到您的电脑。换句话说,用户的计算机必须下载曾经发生过的每一个Verge事务的记录。目前,Verge区块链约为1GB,并将随着更多用户进行交易而继续攀升。如果您使用的是QT钱包,请确保您的设备有足够的额外存储空间来处理它。每次打开QT钱包,钱包就会同步并下载最新的区块链数据到您的电脑。如果你决定使用QT钱包,你很可能会定期使用它; 或者可能需要一个小时或更长时间(取决于您上次打开钱包的时间),以下载最新的区块链更新。








Verge coin started its cryptocurrency journey in 2014, going by the name of DogecoinDark. The reason it was created was to create a truly private cryptocurrency. The founder of Verge felt that Bitcoin wasn’t anonymous, so he decided to build a new blockchain where transactions could not be traced. Verge uses multiple anonymity-centric networks such as TOR and I2P. The IP addresses of the users are fully obfuscated. The Core QT wallet has built-in TOR integration as well as SSL encryption which adds an extra level of security. Verge is an open source project with an active team of developers from all over the world. The development team is always in close contact with the community. Verge is not a private company funded through an ICO or premining. Wraith Protocol is a technology upgrade package that enables our users to be able to send and receive payments privately across our blockchain by enabling stealth addressing services. Additionally this update removes our QT wallet users off of clearnet and migrates everyone to SSL enabled Tor. Verge focuses on security and maintaining user anonymity just like Monero; so that is its latent upside. Many investors are also applauding its unique technology. Having been improved and integrated with the Wraith Protocol technology, verge users are now able to effortlessly switch between private and public ledgers on the Verge blockchain. Before this, private and public ledgers were mutually selected, meaning that they could not co-exist on a very similar blockchain. But investors are today free to use whatever ledger they want. A good example was when Wraith Protocol switched ON – one will not be able to view the transaction data, not even via the blockchain explorer. Additionally, Verge makes obscure the IP addresses in both instances. When coupled with Wraith Protocol Verge certainly becomes the only undetectable cryptocurrency. Furthermore, transaction speed on Verge is light speed at 5 seconds only, using Simple Payment Verification technology. Verge also maintains a community feel since it’s not a private company. Community members are responsible for the direction of its technology and where the coin heads next. It currently offers a number of secure mobile wallets, including the Tor Android Wallet, which offers mobile anonymity, another big plus over Bitcoin. Verges offers five different Proof-of-Work algorithms for mining. They include; Lyra2rev2, Scrypt, X17, blake2s and myr-groestl. Offering a choice of five different algorithms promotes inclusion, since a wider variety of users will now have an opportunity to not only mine but influence the network. Should one algorithm demand greater mining resources, users get an option of just switching to a different one.
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