2025-03-12 12:41:52
Storj(storj) 今日行情
更新于:2025-03-12 12:41:36
  • 24小时最高价 $ 0.27843
    24小时最低价 $ 0.25929
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ 0.0132
    1周涨跌幅 $ -0.0986
  • 1周最高价 $ 0.32254
    1周最低价 $ 0.24659
  • 1月最高价 $ 0.44255
    1月最低价 $ 0.24659
  • 历史最高价 $ 3.905495
    历史最低价 $ 0.05379
Storj is an open-source platform that leverages the blockchain to provide end-to-end encrypted cloud storage services. Instead of maintaining its own data centres, Storj platform relies on a peer-to-peer network of individuals or entities sharing their storage spaces. The Storj project is owned and developed by Storj Labs Inc. Storj intends to facilitate a faster, cheaper, and secure file storage solution than traditional cloud storage platforms. To achieve its goal, Storj deploys several innovative technologies and methods to make sure that users are able to store and retrieve data in a fastest possible way while not compromising the security and integrity of data. Storj Labs Inc was founded in 2014 by Shawn Wilkinson with co-founders John Quinn. The company is headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. Shawn was previously appointed as CEO, but in March 2018, he stepped down from the post to serve as CSO of the company. Shawn was replaced by Ben Golub (Ex-CEO of Docker) who currently serves as the Executive Chairman & Interim CEO. Co-founder John Quinn has been appointed as the Chief Revenue Officer. The company launched its initial coin offering (ICO) of the new tokens on May 19, 2017. At the end of the token sale on May 25, 2017, the company had raised about million. Storj Labs allowed SJCX holders to exchange their tokens with the new ones in a 1:1 ratio through a token conversion campaign which lasted till October 2017. Storj Labs pre-mined its entire supply of tokens at the inception; no new tokens can be created via STORJ mining. Nevertheless, users can obtain STORJ tokens by becoming a farmer in the network. Another obvious way to acquire STORJ is through trading on a cryptocurrency exchange. Up until now, cloud storage companies have dictated the terms of service to their users, and as a result, there has been little to no competition within this digital sector. However, with the introduction of Storj, all of that may change." Check out CoinBureau for the full review on OmiseGo.








Storj 的核心目标是改善传统的云存储服务,让用户重新掌握设备和数据的“控制权”。去中心化,意味着 Storj 没有中央服务器,此外由于采用了客户端加密技术,只有终端用户可以访问解密文件和密钥,极大地提升了文件安全性。



Storj 将每个文件分割成块,将它们加密后,分配到 Storj 网络进行存储。该网络包括 driveshare 节点,由世界各地的用户出租他们闲置的硬盘空间以换取Storjcoin X(SJCX)。

Storj 实验室计划建立世界上第一个分布式云存储平台,允许任何人在一个P2P的网络中互相购买和出售存储空间,并且提供DaaS(数据即服务)工具和编程接口。



Storj由一系列相互连接的部件共同组成了一个统一的系统。每个用户与这个系统的各个部分进行交互体验,导致了他们对 Storj到底是什么会有各自不同的认识:对于一个家庭用户来说,在共享存储空间的时候,并不需要拥有任何网桥或协议知识;而对于开发者来说,在使用Storj API时,也不需要知道家庭用户的任何私人信息。




最后,合约和网络就形成了Storj 协议。它描述了网络上节点的表现,即:节点之间如何进行通信、如何协商和执行合约以及在分布式系统上购买和销售存储空间所需的一切。任何人都可以用任何他们喜欢的方式来实现 Storj 协议。

协议包含了安全制作存储所需的一切工具,并且Storj公司发布了两个工具:Storj Share 和 Bridge。

StorjShare 是农场客户端,允许用户在任何机器上轻松的构建和运行一个农场。Storjshare 为用户提供了命令行界面(CLI) ,还可以实现自动化。不仅如此,它还允许用户设置参数,如共享的存储空间、存储位置和支付地址。另外,它还可以处理合约谈判、审计响应和所有其他网络通信。

为了帮助租户有效的使用网络,Storj 还创建了 Bridge。将 Bridge 部署到生产服务器上,来处理合约谈判、审计、支付、可用性及其他一些需求。通过使用应用程序编程接口(API)和客户端扩展和存储资源,Bridge公开了这些服务。而客户端可以集成到其他应用程序中,这样一来,无需成为网络的一部分,任何应用程序都可以使用 Bridge 服务器,存储 Storj 网络上的数据。

Storj API
Storj的核心服务是一个对象存储,类似于 Amazon S3。这个对象存储由一组公共Bridge节点管理。基础设施用来洽谈合约、管理交易及审计工作等等。用户并不需要知道自己使用的是分布式网络,就可以通过Bridge客户端与Bridge交互。这个 API 是为可用性设计的,因此,所有复杂的事情都可以在幕后处理,以提供一个平滑、可扩展的开发体验。





Storj是一个去中心化的云存储框架网络平台,生态用户可以使用通证购买存储服务,另一方面参与者也可以提供闲置的存储空间给网络平台使用,同时获得一定的价值回报。此外,Storj Network的服务对象可以做到面向全球化,在网络运行过程中,对文件与数据加密、分片和分发至世界各地的节点进行存储。整个系统的优点是安全性高、成本低且私密性强。


Storjcoin X (SJCX)是Storj网络的代币“燃料”,它允许用户通过 DriveSahre 应用和 MetaDisk 来出租和购买存储空间。




  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H交易量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • binance-future STORJ-PERPETUAL 0.27 10,817,259.00 $2,907,683.92 0.0141 刚刚
  • okex-future STORJ-PERPETUAL 0.27 9,235,830.00 $2,467,555.58 0.0164 刚刚
  • huobipro STORJ 0.27 6,278,930.00 $1,693,320.13 -0.003 刚刚
  • binance STORJ 0.27 5,400,309.00 $1,454,994.70 0.016 刚刚
  • mxc STORJ 0.27 3,270,816.00 $872,888.95 0.0133 刚刚
  • upbit STORJ 396.40 2,817,799.00 $778,711.63 0.026 刚刚
  • lbank STORJ 0.27 2,326,927.00 $626,902.59 0.0148 刚刚
  • bitget-futures STORJ-PERPETUAL 0.27 1,767,700.00 $477,732.56 0.0152 刚刚
  • gate-io-futures STORJ-PERPETUAL 0.27 1,588,826.00 $423,534.67 0.0133 刚刚
  • okex STORJ 0.27 1,040,710.00 $281,347.13 0.0098 刚刚
  • whitebit STORJ 0.27 1,003,130.00 $268,287.72 0 刚刚
  • toobit STORJ 0.27 712,441.00 $192,065.65 0.0156 刚刚
  • btcturk STORJ 9.78 616,301.00 $166,710.16 0.0144 刚刚
  • xt STORJ 0.27 614,882.00 $165,571.59 0.016 刚刚
  • coinw STORJ 0.27 486,286.00 $129,654.47 0.0125 刚刚
  • gdax STORJ 0.27 432,754.00 $115,286.00 0 刚刚
  • bitmart STORJ 0.27 410,846.00 $110,886.39 0.0171 刚刚
  • bione-cc STORJ 0.27 390,664.00 $104,103.12 0 刚刚
  • gate-io STORJ 0.27 221,626.00 $59,178.50 0.0159 刚刚
  • binance STORJ 9.76 213,477.00 $58,016.16 -0.0051 刚刚
  • btse STORJ 0.27 195,808.00 $52,898.26 0.0157 刚刚
  • bitget STORJ 0.27 180,767.00 $48,776.10 0.0156 刚刚
  • bingx STORJ 0.27 151,323.00 $40,842.29 0.0133 刚刚
  • bithumb STORJ 401.00 133,705.00 $36,536.37 0.0204 刚刚
  • btse STORJ 0.27 79,953.90 $21,583.80 0.0156 刚刚
  • btcturk STORJ 0.27 69,446.40 $18,755.67 0.0086 刚刚
  • kraken-futures STORJ-PERPETUAL 0.27 67,310.00 $18,199.30 -0.0052 刚刚
  • binance STORJ 0.00 54,217.00 $14,624.77 -0.003 刚刚
  • coinex STORJ 0.27 52,067.50 $13,884.94 0.0145 刚刚
  • gemini STORJ 0.27 51,155.20 $13,770.50 0 刚刚
  • latoken STORJ 0.29 45,132.80 $13,318.90 -0.009 刚刚
  • kraken STORJ 0.27 43,182.70 $11,545.80 -0.0206 刚刚
  • kraken STORJ 0.25 41,581.90 $11,328.54 0 刚刚
  • pionex STORJ 0.27 39,905.80 $10,714.70 0.0129 刚刚
  • paribu STORJ 9.80 31,187.00 $8,350.93 0.0203 刚刚
  • btse STORJ 0.27 25,848.00 $6,979.05 0.0152 刚刚
  • kucoin STORJ 0.27 18,310.30 $4,901.16 0.0151 刚刚
  • bitstamp STORJ 0.28 11,928.00 $3,288.31 0 刚刚
  • cryptology STORJ 0.27 11,840.00 $3,205.61 0 刚刚
  • bitstamp STORJ 0.24 10,737.20 $2,844.27 0 刚刚
  • kucoin STORJ 0.00 6,115.14 $1,630.74 0.012 刚刚
  • crypto-com STORJ 0.27 4,050.30 $1,087.71 0 刚刚
  • binance-us STORJ 0.27 3,566.00 $980.07 0.0023 刚刚
  • bitrue STORJ 0.27 3,620.38 $975.16 0 刚刚
  • okex STORJ 0.28 1,891.38 $510.35 0.0507 刚刚
  • upbit STORJ 0.00 800.06 $217.77 0.0183 刚刚
  • kucoin STORJ 0.00 530.11 $144.58 0.003 刚刚
  • mercado-bitcoin STORJ 1.98 97.47 $33.22 0.5231 刚刚
  • gate-io STORJ 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.1494 刚刚
  • gate-io STORJ 9.68 0.00 $0.00 0 刚刚