2025-03-12 12:19:21
IOST(iostoken) 今日行情
更新于:2025-03-12 09:18:53
  • 24小时最高价 $ 0.00526
    24小时最低价 $ 0.00465
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ 0.0349
    1周涨跌幅 $ 0.1499
  • 1周最高价 $ 0.00586
    1周最低价 $ 0.0039
  • 1月最高价 $ 0.00586
    1月最低价 $ 0.0039
  • 历史最高价 $ 0.1365
    历史最低价 $ 0.00152
IOST is building an ultra-high TPS blockchain infrastructure to meet the security and scalability needs of a decentralized economy. Led by a team of proven founders and backed by million from world-class investors, including Sequoia and Matrix, IOST aims to be the underlying architecture for the future of online services. The powerful consensus algorithm “Proof-of-Believability” enables next-gen transaction throughput speeds while ensuring nodes stay compliant, using factors including IOST token balance, reputation-based token balance, network contributions and user behaviors. A faster grade Byzantine Fault Tolerance mechanism, microstate blocks, Atomic Commit protocol and a dynamic sharding protocol (Efficient Distributed Sharding) all ensure transactions are safeguarded, consistent and lightning fast while reducing storage, configuration costs and processing power for validators. Anyone is able to participate in every layer of our system, from using services on our blockchain to running a node and validating transactions. Our rules and code are open for all to see and no preconditions will limit participation. IOST aims to fundamentally disrupt previous methods of business by creating a self-operated, trustless network that maximizes network value for all parties. The project places great emphasis on decentralized and secure ways of storing information. It also provides for Dapps and smart contracts, and anyone who is familiar with blockchain technology knows just how integral these two concepts have become. Adhering to the quintessential egalitarian values of blockchain technology, IOST is creating a censorship-resistant and trustless network that is open to all, using blockchain technology to cut out middlemen and maximize network value for all parties. Terrace Wang, Kimmy Zhong, and Ray Xiao, who are extremely brilliant, have co-founded the project. In addition to these original three, the project has 12 employees and 4 advisors. It is also worth noting that Ryan Bubiski, a co-founder of CodeAcademy and a winner of Times Most Influential People award plays a major role in the advisory board of the project. The team has partnered with about sixteen blockchain and cryptocurrency oriented companies such as Sequoia, Nirvana Capital, and DFund. The project, therefore, has strong investors."

IOST是一个由红杉、真格等全球一线美元投资机构支持的,为在线服务提供商而开发的区块链应用平台。主网上线后IOST已正式成为除Ethereum、EOS、Tron外全球Top 4的DApp公链平台。





IOST项目的开发方为IOS基金会(The Internet of Services Foundation),一个位于新加坡的非盈利组织。IOST项目团队目前主要由专注于区块链分布式技术的研发人员组成,绝大多数成员毕业于Princeton、Stanford、MIT、清华、北大等世界顶尖高校,有三年以上的区块链相关研究经验。IOST项目目前在硅谷、纽约、新加坡、首尔、东京和柏林都设有办公室。





IOST是一个用于分布式应用的区块链平台。长期以来,中心化平台一直占据着主导地位,以至于人们已经忘记了还有一种建立互联网服务的更好的方式。IOST是开发社区自有网络的有效方式,可以为第三方开发人员、创作者和企业提供实现价值的平台。IOST的解决方案实际上是要解决可扩展性的三角冲突,而不是用牺牲censorship resistance的做法回避解决问题。IOST区块链在尝试各种扩容性方案的同时,始终维护其censorship resistance、公开参与和免受恶意攻击的特性。IOST比EOS更去中心化,比ETH更具可扩展性。
1. Censorship Resistance
IOST允许开发者创建Censorship Resistance的应用和智能合约。如果你与其他用户进入一个智能合约,知道智能合约的规则和任何记录不会被篡改而牺牲你的利益非常重要。
2. 算法选举委员会
3. 经济激励平等分配
4. 可信度证明
Proof of Believability,IOST独创的共识机制
5. 扩容性
通过协议层(Protocol-level)和 第二层(Layer-2)扩展方案提高可扩展性,包括:状态通道、分片和侧链。





其实不难发现,现在真正落地且安全的公有链都是PoW或PoS的一种分支,因为基于算力或Token是唯一安全的区块链准入机制。现在采用任何别的共识都会面临安全性问题:是否能伪造、是否数据中心化提交、共识基于数据是否链上能够被证明而不是发生在链下、一个新加入网络的节点是否能够参与到共识等等。同样,PoB也是PoS的分支之一,第一层准入也是基于Token。需要获得社区超过一定数量的Token质押投票(目前为210万 IOST),才有资格参与到共识。


  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H交易量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • binance-future IOST-PERPETUAL 0.00 20,936,472,869.00 $103,709,261.68 0.0391 刚刚
  • upbit IOST 7.39 19,156,335,470.00 $99,720,157.96 0.0358 刚刚
  • okex-future IOST-PERPETUAL 0.00 15,930,321,000.00 $78,155,672.55 0.034 刚刚
  • binance IOST 0.00 4,859,840,169.00 $24,457,717.42 0.0374 刚刚
  • bitget-futures IOST-PERPETUAL 0.00 3,866,366,438.00 $19,186,716.93 0.0347 刚刚
  • mxc IOST 0.00 2,934,057,451.00 $14,497,522.51 0.0374 刚刚
  • gate-io-futures IOST-PERPETUAL 0.00 1,554,322,120.00 $7,603,877.30 0.055 刚刚
  • bithumb IOST 7.36 1,129,964,451.00 $5,850,700.48 0.0141 刚刚
  • okex IOST 0.00 1,049,180,422.00 $5,289,638.24 0.0368 刚刚
  • gate-io IOST 0.00 800,145,053.00 $4,058,783.54 0.0405 刚刚
  • bitmart IOST 0.00 682,655,228.00 $3,432,876.81 0.0406 刚刚
  • digifinex IOST 0.00 518,046,881.00 $2,612,296.10 0.0343 刚刚
  • xt IOST 0.00 509,806,077.00 $2,562,157.47 0.0334 刚刚
  • bitget IOST 0.00 399,004,810.00 $2,007,216.36 0.0343 刚刚
  • bitkub IOST 0.17 190,764,119.00 $958,135.29 0 刚刚
  • coinw IOST 0.00 166,984,260.00 $828,392.18 0.0398 刚刚
  • lbank IOST 0.00 135,044,243.00 $671,580.70 0.0312 刚刚
  • whitebit IOST 0.00 105,706,076.00 $529,825.27 0 刚刚
  • kucoin IOST 0.00 81,630,046.00 $405,140.60 0.0433 刚刚
  • huobipro IOST 0.00 73,397,576.00 $370,964.82 -0.0141 刚刚
  • hitbtc IOST 0.00 71,094,760.00 $357,412.49 0.0439 刚刚
  • bingx IOST 0.00 68,508,330.00 $345,834.19 0.0302 刚刚
  • bitmax-io IOST 0.00 49,281,360.00 $243,504.63 -0.5062 刚刚
  • bione-cc IOST 0.00 37,472,483.00 $185,793.22 0 刚刚
  • coincheck IOST 0.76 32,504,792.00 $166,587.27 0 刚刚
  • pionex IOST 0.00 30,226,597.00 $152,308.34 0.038 刚刚
  • crypto-com IOST 0.00 16,135,510.00 $82,434.20 0 刚刚
  • coinex IOST 0.00 12,492,615.00 $61,727.44 0.035 刚刚
  • indodax IOST 81.00 9,468,735.00 $47,786.73 0 刚刚
  • coinone IOST 7.60 5,311,990.00 $27,803.61 0.0411 刚刚
  • okex IOST 0.00 3,536,670.00 $17,854.58 0.0275 刚刚
  • bitrue IOST 0.00 2,907,868.00 $14,619.32 0 刚刚
  • kucoin IOST 0.00 2,263,198.00 $11,221.03 -0.0401 刚刚
  • kucoin IOST 0.00 1,547,221.00 $7,683.29 0.0046 刚刚
  • coinex IOST 0.00 1,136,731.00 $5,637.95 -0.0326 刚刚
  • gate-io IOST 0.00 310,012.00 $2,114.75 -0.1052 刚刚
  • upbit IOST 0.00 352,049.00 $1,751.91 0.1667 刚刚
  • latoken IOST 0.00 350,814.00 $1,531.91 0.0032 刚刚
  • binance-us IOST 0.00 141,933.00 $718.66 -0.0421 刚刚
  • hitbtc IOST 0.00 9,390.00 $49.26 -0.0917 刚刚
  • gopax IOST 5.05 119.55 $0.42 0 刚刚