CoTrader是一个非监管基金管理市场,旨在通过区块链改善85万亿美元的投资基金行业。 它是mainnet.cotrader.com上世界上第一个这样的实时alpha产品。CoTrader致力于增加个人财务自由。它使任何地方的任何人都可以在没有注册的情况下打开加密基金,并且任何人都可以加入它。CoTrader(COT)代币可用于股息分行、费用支付、利润回购、投资管理等等。
CoTrader is like "The Uber of hedge funds", live on, is the world's first blockchain investment funds marketplace that's democratizing the trillion global funds industry, as anyone anywhere can create or join an investment fund on the blockchain. Cotraders have proof of funds' past ROI performance, can invest with the best investors, called traders, and can withdraw their funds from any trader at any time. Investors have tremendous incentive to join the platform and compete to earn as much as possible for their cotraders, because this multiplies their own gains.