Conflux Network是一个可扩展的去中心化区块链网络,旨在实现高吞吐量和快速确认。Conflux Network的共识算法基于一种称为树图的特殊有向非循环图(DAG)结构。与以太坊仅将单个链上的交易接受到其账本中不同,树图可以在所有并发区块中合并并处理交易。
CFX是Conflux Network的原生功能型代币,用于网络共识、生态系统激励、网络治理和抵押。
What is Conflux
Conflux is a permissionless Layer 1 blockchain connecting decentralized economies across borders and protocols. Recently migrated to hybrid PoW/PoS consensus, Conflux provides a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain environment with zero congestion, low fees, and improved network security.
As the only regulatory compliant public blockchain in China, Conflux provides a unique advantage for projects building and expanding into Asia. In the region, Conflux has collaborated with global brands and government entities on blockchain and metaverse initiatives, including the city of Shanghai, McDonald's China, and Oreos.
To learn more about Conflux, visit
What is the Conflux (CFX) Token?
CFX is the native token for the Conflux Network. It is a hard-capped scarce asset used to pay fees, and secure the network through staking. Each CFX contains 10^18 Drip. Transactions on Conflux are handled similarly to those on the Ethereum network, with CFX playing a similar role as ETH. Users submit a contract with a gas limit and a gas price; the latter is denominated in CFX.
Users can interact with Conflux Network ecosystem applications through wallets. Users can use CFX to participate in governance votes, stake their tokens to earn network interest, or pay for the network's storage and transaction fees.
Where can I buy the Conflux token (CFX)?
CFX is supported across leading exchanges such as Binance, KuCoin, OKEX, Gate, and MEXC
Where can I stake the Conflux token (CFX)?
CFX can be staked at any of the Staking Pools operated by the Conflux community. For the latest information please view the Conflux Forum