2025-03-12 18:54:20
注意力币(basic-attention-token) 今日行情
更新于:2025-03-11 21:16:52
  • 24小时最高价 $ 0.16126
    24小时最低价 $ 0.13561
  • 24小时涨跌幅 $ -0.1042
    1周涨跌幅 $ -0.0493
  • 1周最高价 $ 0.16567
    1周最低价 $ 0.13561
  • 1月最高价 $ 0.19488
    1月最低价 $ 0.13561
  • 历史最高价 $ 1.9603048
    历史最低价 $ 0.06621

BAT(Basic Attention Token)是Javascript创始人,Mozilla和Firefox浏览器联合创始人Brendan Eich创办的一个用于在广告商和用户之间进行流通的数字资产,用于解决浏览器中的广告展示和用户激励问题。






BAT的解决方案是基于区块链技术的去中心化,实现公平透明的数字广告交易所。其第一个组件是Brave浏览器,一个快速、开源、以隐私为核心的浏览器,Brave自带的插件能够屏蔽所有的第三方广告和跟踪器,用户可以开启“Brave Rewards”的功能,从而可以通过主动浏览广告来获得BAT奖励,BAT构建一个能够量化用户注意力来分配奖励的账本系统。在Brave Rewards模式中,为用户提供内容的网站可以获得奖励(需要在BAT注册),用户也可以选择打赏该网站,奖励内容作者,同时也可以通过浏览广告获得奖励。Brave在保护用户隐私的同时根据用户(主动浏览广告)的注意力进行补偿,将广告商家,广告发行商(网站内容发布者)和用户连接起来,消除现有广告体制高昂的中间商成本,提供广告网络三方原来应有的效率与收益。

Brave是一个快速、开源、注重隐私保护的浏览器,其默认装载的插件可屏蔽广告、追踪器和恶意软件, 并内嵌了一个能匿名量化用户注意力从而对内容商进行精确奖励的账本系统。

图1 Brave浏览器插件



2、Basic Attention Token(BAT)
注意力币(BAT)是广告商, 内容商和用户间交流的货币单位,通过BAT平台的通证,可以实现各种各样的广告推广形式和基于用户注意力的服务。 代币由量化的用户注意力系统进行分配和结算。用户花费精力观看广告、内容就是花费了注意力,在这个情况下,注意力代表了集中花费在广告上的时间和内心活动。BAT是基于ERC20的通证,通过去中心化的以太坊区块链平台,可以实现全球范围内的自由流通,并且可在各大交易所中与其他货币进行交换。

3、Brave + BAT = 高效数字广告市场
Brave浏览器能获知用户在何处花费时间, 能完美计算并使用BAT对内容商进行奖励。这创建了一个透明、高效的区块链广告投放平台。区块链消除中间人和减少欺诈, 内容商能获得更多收入。用户在避免恶意广告的同时,能接收少而精准的广告并获得奖励, 广告商亦能更有效率地花钱,而无需为虚假的流量买单。

图2 BAT广告系统



用户观看广告时会获得BAT代币的奖励。BAT能被用来支付Brave平台内的优质内容和服务。 内容商会获得大部分的广告收入总额,用户亦也可以捐赠部分代币支持内容商,内容商因此获得更多的收入。




Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an open-source, decentralized ad exchange platform built on Ethereum platform. Basic Attention Token held an initial coin offering on May 31, 2017 for its eponymous ERC-20 utility token, raising approximately M USD at the time in less than 30 seconds. The Basic Attention Token aims to fix digital advertising, which is broken, fraudulent and opaque. Basic Attention Token work by having advertisers pay BAT to website publishers for the attention of users. The BAT token is designed to correctly value and price user attention within the platform. The Basic Attention Token comprises various components, including attention measurement systems, analytics dashboards and machine learning algorithms. Integration of BAT into a given host application involves implementing BAT Ads, a system that matches and displays ads to users based on locally stored data. Ad targeting is performed wholly on-device, removing the need for third-party tracking. BAT is focused on the Brave browser. Brave is an open-source, privacy-centered browser designed to block trackers and malware. It utilizes blockchain technology to anonymously and securely track user attention, which translates into rewards for publishers. A user's attention, meaning his or her focused mental engagement on digital content like advertisements, is logged through Brave. The makers of BAT indicate that the user's private data and tracking information is stored only on the user's device, ensuring that it is anonymous and private. Created back in 2016, the Basic Attention Token has one of the biggest names behind it, that of Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and the legendary co-founder of Mozilla. Other noteworthy team members include Brian Bondy, lead developer and co-founder of Brave and Scott Locklin, senior engineer, and co-founder of Kerf Software." Basic Attention Token is created by the team that built the Brave browser, an open-source, privacy-focused browser that blocks ads and trackers. The browser measures user attention and rewards publishers for users attention. Use the Brave browser to protect your privacy and support CoinGecko at the same time: https://brave.com/coi600
  • 交易平台 最新价格 24H交易量 24H交易额 24小时涨幅 更新时间
  • binance-future BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 41,741,329.00 $6,026,933.87 -0.1049 刚刚
  • huobipro BAT 0.14 22,651,943.00 $3,281,318.98 -0.0725 刚刚
  • binance BAT 0.14 12,584,655.00 $1,812,471.22 -0.1062 刚刚
  • mxc BAT 0.14 12,716,948.00 $1,809,901.02 -0.1073 刚刚
  • bybit-futures BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 11,841,555.00 $1,720,139.10 -0.1073 刚刚
  • okex-future BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 10,806,070.00 $1,541,185.74 -0.1043 刚刚
  • upbit BAT 211.00 7,384,772.00 $1,098,670.04 0.0131 刚刚
  • bitmax-io BAT 0.14 5,882,406.00 $834,310.98 -0.1104 刚刚
  • whitebit BAT 0.14 5,501,106.00 $796,800.83 0 刚刚
  • bitget-futures BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 3,459,220.00 $503,900.83 -0.1085 刚刚
  • gdax BAT 0.14 3,294,129.00 $469,446.00 0 刚刚
  • xt BAT 0.14 3,243,751.00 $467,282.44 -0.1056 刚刚
  • gate-io-futures BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 2,093,520.00 $300,467.49 -0.0766 刚刚
  • bitmart BAT 0.14 1,534,238.00 $222,286.49 -0.1048 刚刚
  • okex BAT 0.14 982,564.00 $142,394.03 -0.1044 刚刚
  • btcturk BAT 5.21 953,686.00 $140,601.72 -0.1069 刚刚
  • bithumb BAT 210.00 945,262.00 $139,219.03 -0.0789 刚刚
  • hitbtc BAT 0.14 815,704.00 $118,091.20 -0.1043 刚刚
  • bitrue BAT 0.14 782,674.00 $113,041.87 0 刚刚
  • bitbank BAT 21.07 616,612.00 $88,011.85 -0.1092 刚刚
  • bybit BAT 0.14 568,688.00 $81,484.63 -0.1032 刚刚
  • coinw BAT 0.14 560,355.00 $79,750.84 -0.1073 刚刚
  • bitget BAT 0.14 474,896.00 $68,600.19 -0.1061 刚刚
  • kraken BAT 0.14 409,123.00 $58,815.50 0.0001 刚刚
  • gdax BAT 0.13 394,855.00 $56,241.04 0 刚刚
  • p2pb2b BAT 0.14 388,475.00 $55,366.25 0 刚刚
  • binance BAT 0.00 370,564.00 $54,157.40 -0.0785 刚刚
  • btse BAT 0.14 335,983.00 $48,666.01 -0.087 刚刚
  • coinex BAT 0.14 298,137.00 $42,519.54 -0.1027 刚刚
  • bingx BAT 0.14 267,446.00 $38,636.51 -0.1043 刚刚
  • gate-io BAT 0.14 245,211.00 $35,368.61 -0.0908 刚刚
  • bitso BAT 2.92 241,248.00 $34,677.83 0 刚刚
  • cryptology BAT 0.14 207,205.00 $31,023.99 0 刚刚
  • kraken BAT 0.13 186,409.00 $26,693.39 -0.0085 刚刚
  • paribu BAT 5.20 186,986.00 $26,580.80 -0.129 刚刚
  • btse BAT 0.14 157,355.00 $22,693.80 -0.0899 刚刚
  • gdax BAT 0.00 154,627.00 $21,973.87 0 刚刚
  • p2pb2b BAT 0.14 146,938.00 $20,894.60 0 刚刚
  • kucoin BAT 0.14 142,582.00 $20,406.69 -0.0977 刚刚
  • bitrue BAT 0.14 117,489.00 $17,017.12 0 刚刚
  • gemini BAT 0.14 109,583.00 $15,828.20 0 刚刚
  • bitso BAT 0.14 106,461.00 $15,089.70 0 刚刚
  • bitkub BAT 4.85 98,404.70 $14,317.17 0 刚刚
  • btcturk BAT 0.14 89,642.00 $12,973.32 -0.0657 刚刚
  • kraken-futures BAT-PERPETUAL 0.14 83,802.00 $11,960.80 -0.0869 刚刚
  • btse BAT 0.14 37,722.90 $5,464.56 -0.0931 刚刚
  • p2pb2b BAT 0.00 36,245.00 $5,181.60 0 刚刚
  • latoken BAT 0.16 10,723.10 $1,694.58 0.0065 刚刚
  • latoken BAT 0.00 10,125.80 $1,528.88 -0.0116 刚刚
  • gdax BAT 0.00 9,969.00 $1,394.42 0 刚刚