The ArcBlock project was created to create the first Blockchain ecosystem in the world. Develop and develop decentralized applications (DApp) according to objectives. ArcBlock, one of the ICO projects emerging in early 2018. Just launched on 3/1/2018, ArcBlock has quickly attracted the attention of technology as well as investors. ArcBlock brings great technological advancements that will open the third generation of blockchain applications.
Arcblock work by bridging the gap between different blockchains and their respective ecosystems has not been easy. There are some solutions which attempt to solve this problem, but it is evident there is plenty of room for competition in this regard. Building an open chain access layer capable of spanning multiple new and existing blockchains is a very interesting business model.
Building a new ecosystem meant to connect various chains will not be easy. As of right now, the team has completed its token sale, and the first public release candidate for the Open Chain Access Protocol will be released in Q3. Early 2019 will herald the introduction of more technical features and an Ethereum Blocklet prototype.
云节点(Cloud Nodes)
Arcblock是第一个用云计算平台做为节点的区块链操作平台。ArcBlock前期部署在AWS、Windows Azure上,之后会逐步扩展到Google和中国的主要云计算平台上。
开放链访问协议(Open Chain Access Protocol)
ArcBlock引入能够连接比特币、以太坊、Hyperledger等多种不同区块链协议的“开放链访问协议”(Open Chain Access Protocol),这样就解除了现有的“平台锁定”风险,使得大部分应用能够开发完成之后实现跨链,这样就大幅度提升了开发者和用户的体验。
基石程序则是ArcBlock另一项充分利用最新的微服务(microservice)架构和无服务器计算(serverless computing)技术优势的设计,能够充分发挥原生平台特性,提供远远优于虚拟机的性能表现。基石程序不仅可访问区块链,而且能够连接任何数据源,这里也就是我们常常听到的预言机(Oracle),就能完成链上和链下的两种计算。
基石程序组件(Blocklet Components)
去中心化的通知订阅网关(Decentralized pub/sub gateway)
ArcBlock的网关使用了分散的设计和安全的通信渠道,并以通知和订阅的方式通信。 同时应用程序将运行在Web浏览器和移动应用程序中,为用户提供良好的实时体验。 网关默认支持各种网络协议,包括WebSocket,DDP,HTTPS和MQTT,高级的开发人员还可以使用新的网络协议来扩展网关以满足他们的需求。