Amp是一种新的数字抵押品代币,可为任何类型的价值转移提供即时、可验证的抵押。旨在“抵押 Flexa 网络上的付款,使其即时且安全”。如果 BTC 或 ETH 付款由于未经确认或交易时间过长而失败,“Amp 抵押品可以被清算以弥补损失”,而供应商则以法定形式收到付款,这可能为双方提供更大的保证。
What is Amp?
Amp is described as the new digital collateral token offering instant, verifiable assurances for any kind of value transfer. Using Amp, networks like Flexa can quickly and irreversibly secure transactions for a wide variety of asset-related use cases.
How does Amp work?
Amp claims to offer a straightforward but versatile interface for verifiable collateralization through a system of collateral partitions and collateral managers. Where collateral partitions can be designated to collateralize any account, application, or even transaction, and carry balances which are directly verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain, collateral managers are smart contracts that can lock, release, and redirect collateral in these partitions as needed in order to support value transfer activities. Amp supports a wide variety of use cases for collateralization, and also introduces the concept of predefined partition strategies, which can enable special capabilities such as collateral models through which tokens can be staked without ever leaving their original address.